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Our Love Affair with Camo

Military camouflage comes in and out of fashion on a regular basis. Military enthusiasts and the Duck Dynasty set have loved it all along but when the hip-hop crowd got hold of it in the 1990s, camo came into its own. You can always find great pieces in vintage clothing shops. But lucky for us, it’s not only in fashion again, but it’s hotter than ever in the boutiques and across the high street.

We’ve been following the camo story across several platforms. From Vogue’s profile of Valentino’s combat chic.

Camo Jacket

Net-A-Porter’s current offerings, where a search for Camo yielded 31 results:

Net-A-Porter camo collection

One of our favourite faces on Instagram, Sarah Rutson, calls utilitarian pieces the foundation of her wardrobe. If she’s wearing camo, you should be too.

Sarah Rutson wearing camo

ASOS, our proxy for the high street, has 654 camo items ranging from trainers to t-shirts, and everything in between.

So it goes almost without saying that military fatigue-inspired fashion shows no sign of (ahem) fatigue. The colour scheme of brown, black and green is gender neutral, ageless, timeless, all-season and can be dressed up or down. Contrary to its name, camo can make a bold statement rather than fade into the background, especially when it’s accessorised well.

And speaking of accessories, our Camo Duffle and Camo Rucksack are must-have bags for camo enthusiasts. Like all our products, they are practical, durable and ready to be dressed with a great monogram that you design on our website. And that’s where it gets really fun…

Monogram them subtly with black, brown, navy or olive thread as shown here:

Camo bags

Camo backpack

Or if you’re like us and are a big fan of colour, the brighter the better, so we recommend adding some personality by using neon orange, pink or yellow for the monogramming:

Camo duffle bag with monogram

Whether it’s for the gym, running around town, a weekend away, a carry-on bag… our Camo Duffle and Camo Rucksack works for all ages.

For everyone that’s asked if the Camo Duffle comes in a bigger size, we’ve just introduced a military green version of our popular Eaton Duffle. This is the perfect duffle bag for travel: lightweight, durable and very cool. Shown here, monogrammed in brown to coordinate with the straps, it’s a great man-bag.

Military duffle with monogram

But the Eaton Duffle also wears neon pink well, making it a perfect weekend bag for the girls:

Military duffle bag for girls

Why not splurge on the whole utilitarian, military-inspired set! Have some fun creating a monogram (or a mission statement!) that uses the camo print to its best effect.

Camo bag collection - Duffles and Backpacks

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