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Cosy Up:  The Interiors Gift Edit for Homebodies
There is nothing better than finding a perfect present and watching a friend or family member's eyes light up as they unwrap it. 
Of course, tracking down that gift can be challenging. 
That's why we've curated a series of holiday gift edits that target a certain sort of person. We know gifting well, as it's been our business since we started monogramming in 2015.  So let us help you find the perfect personalised gift.
This most recent edit is targeted to the house proud:  people who are setting up a home, who love entertaining at home or generally love just being at home. Monogramming and interiors go together perfectly so we're not short of ideas, and it was indeed hard to limit the list to just 8 ideas.
To see more, check out our Entertaining Gift Edit here.
Large Maine boat tote
Large Maine Tote Bag and Fleece Picnic Rug
ssutton tissue box coverSutton Tissue Box Cover
medium lacquer tray
Medium Lacquer Tray
brigitte napkin
Brigitte Napkin
marble cheese board
Cheddar Gorgeous Cheese Board and Marble & Teak Coasters
Apron and Napkin

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