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Monogrammed Gifts for Furry Friends
Do you read Country Life Magazine?  We do, it's one of our favourite lifestyle magazines because it's so quintessentially, uniquely British.  While looking through this week's issues we came across a news snippet announcing that 61% of UK dog owners would have given their pet a Valentine's Day gift.
Country Life Magazine featuring collies\Country Life article about  buying Valentines Day gifts for pets.
We make a fair few gifts for pets here at Initially London but even we found this statistic a little surprising.  So we decided to take our own poll on Instagram, highlighting some of our favourite monogrammed gifts for pets and asking the question:  Do you buy your pet gifts?
We actually have a whole gift edit dedicated to gifts for pets and animal lovers.  It includes practical but stylish Match Blankets which are perfect for the car or crate; 
Monogrammed Match Blanket, dog blanket     Personalised dog blanket
Monogrammed dog blanket from Initially London
Also Tweed Dog Bandanas and matching tweed Haslemere Bags which are great for storing toys, treats, poo bags, extra leads, etc.  
Personalised tweed dog bandana
Monogrammed tweed dog bandana on dachshundsPink tweed monogrammed dog bandana
Personalised dog neckerchief
And some cute tote bags for taking their favourite bits to daycare or sleep-away camp. 
Personalised dog bag for treats
Personalised dog bag from Initially London
But we digress.  We polled our followers over Instagram stories and found that our client base responded almost exactly in line with Country Life's, with 59% of respondents saying that they give their pets gifts on holidays.  Here's hoping that they're personalised gifts!  
Instagram poll results




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