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March Monogramming Trends

March is our favourite month of the year for so many reasons but mainly because, with the official start of Spring, we can get out all the pastel colours and Spring motifs and put away the heavy winter shades.

Monogrammed linen napkins with embroidered motifs

Spring Monogramming Trend: Motifs

Motifs are becoming increasingly popular, either on their own or with a monogram. Whether it's flowers or football, butterflies or bows, cherries or chicks, golf balls or gardening tools... adding an extra bit of embroidered imagery provides a decorative flourish that's all your own.


Embroidered napkins with butterfly motif


We have hundreds of motifs in our embroidery library in the studio and we've just launched the most popular ones on our website as a new product that you can add to your monogram on almost all our products.  You can see how it works by clicking here.

If you don't see what you're looking for on the website, please email us to enquire about other embroidered motifs.  If we don't have what you're looking for, we'll create it for you.

Embroidered strawberry motif

Embroidery services near me

Embroidery Services

We are very happy to embroider motifs on your own goods. Whether it's a jean jacket, a backpack or napkins or anything else, we are delighted to offer our embroidery services.  We also offer leather embossing services and laser etching services for monogramming goods that can't be embroidered. Please email to enquire on


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