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Secondhand September - Clothing
As Oxfam explains: ' Second Hand September is a campaign that promotes donating, reusing, rewearing and restyling your clothes during September – and beyond!' What better way to bring a new lease of life into a garment than to embellish it with a monogram?!
Monogramming your shirt is a thoughtful way to celebrate a special occasion, and is sure to make you treasure the shirt for longer than a plain one. 
A small, classic font design is the perfect way to subtly personalise shirts. We wanted to show you some of the monogram placements we have styled for our clients lately.
Shirt Monogramming - same day service
.Firstly we have the classic rib area, this is the most standard placement which has been used in formal wear for centuries. When sewn small the subtleness is very chic. Second is the chest pocket area, this is a little more obvious and stands out nicely. We love that it makes the most impact, like the shirt was designed to be monogrammed! Finally we have the lower area of the shirt. This is perfect for something a little more playful, like a nick-name or message. It can be tucked in, and only known by the wearer, or worn out with pride. 
Our monogramming prices for shirts start at £15.00 and we can often offer a same day service. Do email us at should you be interested in having one made yourself. 

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