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The September Edit - Autumn Textiles and  Colours

September is a bit like January... it's a month to regroup, reorganise and restart. 

We love the way September feels a little bit summery while the shortening days remind us that autumn is underway. It's betwixt and between.So we've designed our September Edit to highlight classic accessories, linens & gifts that bridge the seasons.

We love autumn textiles like corduroy, velvet and waxed canvas.  And our accessories are built for heavy use and heavy loads.

Changing the monogramming for the season is as easy as changing thread colours. Earthy shades like burgundy, copper and forest green are our favourites this season.

Large Covent Garden hand basket with embroidered monogram sitting on a white chair


The September Edit

There are three common themes in our top picks of must-have monogrammed goods for September:
1) practical design for universal appeal 
2) classic style that transcends trends 
 3) durable fabrics to ensure longevity while meeting our sustainability goals
When something ticks all these boxes, the next logical step is to put a monogram on it!
All our favourite picks for September, monogrammed accessories


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