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Second Hand September - Baby Gifts

We’ve loved showing you a few ideas for monogramming your September second-hand finds. We are lucky in Parsons Green to have Fara Kids Charity Shop nearby, which has really great second hand children’c clothes in great condition. Charity shops are the perfect way to support second hand September, and beyond sustainability in general. You can often find a brilliant item that has been well looked after and is ready for a new life. And of course, your money is going to a good cause. 


A new Baby name is so special, and something to be celebrated, and what better way than to wear it loud and proud?! A little Cardigan, Jumper or Onesie is simply the cutest thing with a name embroidered on to them! Here are a few examples of ones we have worked on recently. We love how the thread colours sit in perfect harmony with the floral print dungarees, and bright mustard piping of the cardigan. 

Monogrammed Baby Clothing

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