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Halloween Monogramming Magic
I'm going to confess that I've always had a love/hate relationship with Halloween. I love the way it brings the neighbourhood together with doors flung open to passing ghosts and goblins.
But I'm far less enthusiastic about coming up with costume ideas and door decorations, not to mention hosting the trick-or-treating festivities.  
With that in mind, my team and I have come up with some spooky monogram ideas that might make your Halloween festivities less hassle and more fun.  
If you've got ideas of your own that we can help you with, please do get in touch.  We are delighted to monogram or laser-etch your own goods.
 However you celebrate the end of harvest season and the start of the winter holiday season, we'd love to help you do it in monogrammed style.
But please order by Wednesday 27th October to ensure delivery in time for the big night.


Monogram decal on pumpkin
Don't carve it, decal it...
Carving pumpkins is a messy business. Here's our best tip for pumpkin season: design a vinyl decal on our monogram design app and simply press it on your pumpkin.
Our Monogram Decals are weather-proof, dishwasher-proof and come in a wide range of colours. Black is the obvious choice for Halloween but don't let tradition stand in the way of great design.
We've got some fun font styles that would work well: Potter (a la the famous wizard), Old English, Charcuterie, Typewriter are just a few.  A big single initial, a fun word or phrase or a proper monogram as shown here... have some fun designing on our website.
Laser-etching is a fun way to monogram...
Make sure the trick-or-treaters are drinking plenty of water by sending along an Etched Insulated Bottle. We laser etch the design on our bottles, as well as our candles and reusable KeepCups.
We can add Halloween-inspired motifs to your etched monogram, like the spider web and pumpkin motifs shown here. Just email us to enquire on Wouldn't these bottles make adorable party favours?
Lay a spooky table...
Our black linen napkins are gorgeous all year round, but they come in to their own at Halloween. Embroider your family or your guests' names with a fun font style in a neon or metallic thread colour, or use one of our seasonal motifs like this spider web. Feel free to add initials or text to a motif... I feel like the spider in this image should be heading towards a great monogram?!  
We love creative new ideas so if you've got a theme in mind, just let us know and we'll bring it to life in embroidery. 

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