Visit us in our studio/showroom in Fulham, West London

Made in the UK
As a London-based monogramming company, we put Made in the UK at the top of our priority list when looking for new suppliers, manufacturers and collaborators.  We are proud to say that many of our products are sourced in Britain including some of our gorgeous wash bags.
And of course all our monogramming is done right here in London.  
On a grey summer day, we visited our wash bag factory this summer to check in on the seamstresses and to design some new bags.  
We thought we'd share some images of our day in the factory.  Despite the clouds outside, it was an inspiring day indoors amongst the gorgeous textiles and some incredibly talented and hard-working people.  
This is a family-run business and it was fascinating to see how they had adapted their production to COVID-induced changes in the market. 
Can't wait to show you the new wash bags we have in production for Autumn/Winter 2020.  Stay tuned!
textile and cosmetics bag factory in the UK   
sewing machine in textile factory
made in the uk 
initially London staff members

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